
Extracellular control of chromosomal instability and maintenance of intra-tumoral heterogeneity

Figure 4. FISH analyses of in vitro cultures of U251 with transient and long-term expression of ectopic EFEMP1. (A) representative FISH interphase and metaphase nucleus images of U251 transduced by lentivirus of empty vector or doxycycline (Dox)-induction of ectopic EFEMP1. Normal Chr7 was shown by a white arrow, abnormal Chr7 (with amplification of p-arm and deletion of q-arm) by a white arrowhead; (B) comparison of Chr7-subpopulations in various U251 cultures with or without EFEMP1 overexpression

Journal of Cancer Metastasis and Treatment
ISSN 2454-2857 (Online) 2394-4722 (Print)


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